Creating image prop objects



Create Image Prop


You can insert "prop" objects made from imported images, such as trees, people, signs, and cars, to make a model look more realistic. An image prop must be in one of the formats listed in Using an image in a texture shader. Most image-based textures are automatically compressed when imported into a Vectorworks file. Imported JPG files retain the original JPG data; all other image files are compressed using lossless PNG format.

For proper display when rendered, an image prop should have a fill style other than None in the Attributes palette.

An image imported for use as a prop is saved as a texture resource. Various libraries of image prop resources are provided in the Vectorworks Libraries (see Concept: Resource libraries).

To add an image prop:

Select the command.

If a resource with an image is already present in the file, the Choose Prop Image dialog box opens.

Click to show/hide the parameters.Click to show/hide the parameters.



Import an Image File

Imports a new image; proceed to step 3

Reuse an Image from Another Resource

Reuses a previously imported image; select the resource that contains the image; proceed to step 4

Select the desired image file in the Import Image Document dialog box. Click Open.

The Image Prop Options dialog box opens. Specify the parameters for the image prop.

Click to show/hide the parameters.Click to show/hide the parameters.




Specify a name for the image prop (used for the texture and symbol name)


Specifies the image prop's height and width values

Lock Aspect Ratio

Maintains the image's aspect ratio when selected; editing one dimension automatically changes the other

Mask Options


No Mask

Specifies that no image masking is to be used for the imported image

Use Mask

Specifies that image masking is to be used; click Create Mask to specify the mask image and properties as described in Transparency shader (Image Mask option)

Crossed Planes

Creates the illusion of object fullness by creating two image planes at a 90° angle to each other


Constant Reflectivity

Excludes the prop from the effects of light objects placed in the drawing; this is useful for images that already contain shadowed areas

Create Plug-In Object

Creates a plug-in object out of the prop; this allows the prop to be resized and automatically rotated

Auto Rotate to Viewer

Adjusts the plug-in object so that it is always rendered facing the viewer. Select Auto Rotate to Viewer for crossed plane images, so that the crossed planes cannot be detected.

Create Symbol

Creates a symbol from the image prop; the image prop name is automatically assigned as the symbol name. Generating the image prop as a symbol allows the image prop to be easily re-inserted in the drawing.

The image prop symbol parameters can be edited from the Object Info palette. In the Resource Manager and Resource Selector, the image prop is listed as a symbol/plug-in object, if selected at creation. In addition, a texture is created for use by the image prop. Both the texture and, if created, the symbol/plug-in object, are assigned the name provided in the Image Prop Options dialog box.

When scaling image prop symbols, the height is scaled differently depending on the view. In Top/Plan view, the Y scaling factor determines the height; in 3D views, the Z scaling factor determines the height. Changing the Y scaling factor shows no effect on image prop symbols in 3D, but their height scales accordingly in Top/Plan view. See Scaling symbols from the Object Info palette for more information.


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